Terms and Conditions
Sept 10, 2023
Website Operation
The terms and conditions outline an agreement between SimpleBits (we) and the user (you). This agreement is a legally binding document relating to the usage of simplebits.io (the website). This must be followed at all times. You accept this agreement at the point of account creation.
Users of this website, which is operated by SimpleBits, are requested to abide by the terms and conditions of use set forth herein. By using this website, you will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.
SimpleBits may, at any time, and at its sole discretion, modify these Terms and Conditions, with or without prior notice to the User. Any such modification will be effective immediately upon public posting on this page. Your continued use of our services and this site following any such modification constitutes your acceptance of these modified Terms. Please check the latest information posted herein to inform yourself of any changes.
SimpleBits shall assume no responsibility, whatsoever, for any problems or damages caused to members or third parties as a result of the stoppage of website services, maintenance, server faults, features deleted or modified, any coin’s blockchain faults, any technical issues on wallets, etc.
User Rights, SimpleBits Rights and Prohibited Actions
Users who have collected funds have a right to be paid out providing they have reached the minimal tokens threshold and that they didn’t break the Terms and Conditions presented on this page.
Users may only have 1 account for each in the system at any point in time.
In the event that you need to prove ownership of a specific address we reserve the right to request from you either a signed message or a small transaction. Failure to provide the requested information could lead to withholding of payouts.
If you request to change a linked currency address we reserve the right to discard all pending payouts waiting to be sent to the previous address you used.
In the act of a security breach caused by a 3rd party or software fault, we reserve the right to withhold payouts from users for an unspecified amount of time.
If a user is found to be guilty of suspicious/malicious activity (unauthorised access, exploiting bugs or weaknesses, degrading service performance, etc.) we reserve the right to ban (block) access to the user account and repay any collected funds to original owner's accounts.
If a user is found to be using "bots", DDOS attacks or any other attempt to circumvent protections we have in place the above also applies.
We reserve the right to change deposit fees, user fees, payout window, exchange fees and minimal payout thresholds at any point in time without prior notice. Please check the "Withdraw" pages for up-to-date information.
When making use of Offerwalls services that we offer (for FREE top-up), you accept that all offers, clicks, downloads, surveys, tasks, video watches etc. that you successfully complete are controlled by a 3rd party, and that any reward you receive is considered a good will bonus from us. We reserve the right to not credit you in the event of such 3rd party rejecting your offer completion status.
In the event of loss of funds or damage to your account in relation to a client-side security breach (password breach, API key stolen, etc.), we are not held accountable.
Making use of the security features we provide for accounts (2-Factor Authentication, Access Control List, Login Notifications) does not guarantee 100% protection from a security breach. In the event of a breach on an account with such features enabled, we are not held accountable for any losses or damage.
Using a VPN or Proxy while browsing SimpleBits can tie your usage to other people using the same IP address, resulting in your account being frozen by our Anti-Fraud system.
Suspicious activity such as excessive claiming is viewed as malicious intent and can get your account frozen.
After a period of leaving your account inactive it will be frozen. If you wish to use your account again you will need to request via support for your account to be reactivated.
Copyrights, trademarks and all other rights relating to this website belong to SimpleBits or its partner companies, unless specified otherwise. Users are asked to respect the protection afforded to holders of copyrights, trademarks and other rights.
Users are prohibited from using, transposing, copying, distributing or modifying all or part of the data, images and any other form of content obtained from this website, without the consent of SimpleBits or the holders of rights to said data, images and content.
Account termination, account deletion and account freezing
Accounts can be deleted upon request
SimpleBits may suspend, disable, freeze or delete your account (or any part thereof) if SimpleBits determines that you have violated any provision of this Agreement or that your conduct or content would tend to damage SimpleBits’s reputation and goodwill. SimpleBits may block your email address and/or Internet protocol address to prevent further registration.
Account freezing can be done automatically by the Anti-Fraud system SimpleBits owns, or manually, by any member of the administration team, or by the user itself, when clicking one of the "Freeze" links in an automated email sent by the system. We will not manually unfreeze any account having a fraud score.
Most of you would sell/or have already sold your soul to the devil multiple times and you don't even know it. Take the time to read the terms on all sites you sign up on.
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